Don’t worry, I don’t put the carriage before the horse, in my attempt to summarize "book" results of the year ahead of time. Simply, I like to stay organized (I would like to think so), I am informing you on bestsellers of 2018, expecting you to read them and give a head start to your friends!
Books represent unbelievable magic, you can carry with you
Let's start with famous horrormeister, Stephen King. During this May to the delight of fans and lovers of crime fiction the American writer is going to produce his next book about one grievous crime. "The Outsider" is one of his most unsettling stories. A murder of eleven-year old boy and accusation of his baseball coach is in the centre of controversy. Without disclosing a secret of investigation, one may state, that hitherto critics have referred to King rather positively and they called his last creation, as a "horrible pleasure" which is aimed at all admirers of a "royal" genre.
We take some guesses on people and then our brains rake for information, based on our hypotheses
Simply, detectives are not enough anymore. For fair sex there is a thin, poignant story in my list from Glennon Doyle Melton under the name "Love warrior". This is a travel story to the author’s self-knowledge after marital breakdown. This is also a story about healing, might be perceived by us after face-to-face encountering with pain. And besides, by the New York Times version, it is this year’s best seller and selection of the Oprah Winfrey’s book club. As for me, these are well-founded arguments for perusal!
Perfection is something that you will never reach and keep on striding. However on reaching, it stops to be perfection anymore
Unfortunately, other memoirs gaining high popularity this summer were caused by sad news, Anthony Bourdain passed on to the other world. To tell you the truth, I heard of him very little during his life. However, great interest to his personality in social networks made me paying attention to this talented cook-traveler and, it was disclosed, he was a cookery star. "The Kitchen confidential" is an excellent reading for any gourmet. Anthony told us delicately what happened behind closed doors of famous kitchens of the world. By the way, he decided to proceed with writing of that book after publication of one of his first articles "Don’t eat before reading" in New Yorker magazine. These notes of a culinary underbelly became the best seller in 2000 and today have reverted to us with renewed vigor.
One should also note, that too hasty problem settlement might also point at wish to avoid efforts, connected with problem creation
Let us touch a bit more upon non-fiction literature, in relation to Jordan Peterson and his antidote to chaos “12 Rules for Life”. The name is rather pretentious and- I can’t tell anything concerning you, however it always alarms me, I keep on perusing it at this very moment, comparing the book and an article. A clinical psychologist Jordan relates to us about life ethic principles –it is not exactly about motivating slogans there, but it is a fresh eye to the most ancient topics, saturated with plenty of interesting stories in line with 12 rules!
However, it is necessary to admit, it isn’t romantic and it isn’t invigorating to think that your fascinated them so strongly, that they would take risk to break you and all is done for the sake of not missing the chance. In comparison with their curiosity you are nothing for them
For the dessert I have kept blank verse of Indian Rupi Kaur. "Milk and Honey" is a lyric set of sensitive poetry. The set of poems is divided into 4 chapters, each of them describes Rupi’s different life stages , successively connected with love, femininity, pain and loss. The book’s added value is that translations of poems are published jointly with original texts in English.
By the end of the year, I will definitely come back with new, or well forgotten old book favorites and in the meantime these are all books for autumn. I wish you pleasant reading!