Dear readers!
We dedicate this issue to the most precious that nature has given to us. We will tell you about the children, about their unique abilities. The conversation will also go about us - adults. After all, it is so important not to lose the child in our soul: do not let yourself be squeezed into the boring framework and rules of the "adult" world, but continue to live life to the fullest, cheerily!
I will also share some of my advice, as, I think, it's worth treating our children if we want them to grow up happy:
- Try to never manipulate a child, stirring up a sense of guilt in order to impose on him your will or thought.
- Protect your child in all circumstances, including - and especially! - with outsiders, even when you complain about his behavior. Do not hesitate to show the child unconditional love and support.
- Always hug and kiss your children at night, before going to bed, if you have this opportunity.
- Give your child the right to choose, by this you will teach the child from a very early age to be held accountable.
- Encourage good, the bad - well, better ignore it.
- Any act of your child, even the most horrible, is his attempt to convey to you a certain message. Do not judge, but try to understand the reason.
- Whatever you say and do, your child will copy you. Therefore, start his upbringing from yourself!
And to sweeten these tips, if someone did not like them, here's a recipe for delicious pancakes from me:
3 eggs, a teaspoon of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of melted butter (in liquid form), 1 cup of flour, 2 cups of warm milk, ¼ teaspoon of salt. Whisk the liquid components separately, then add the rest and mix thoroughly with a mixer. Add oil at the very end. Pre-heated frying pan oil and bake pancakes. And do not be discouraged if the first and second or even third pancake will come out as a lump.
Children should be pampered, then real robbers
grow up from them!
Evgeny Shvarts, "The Snow Queen" (Atamanshi's words)