On October 29 at the Heydar Aliyev Center the famous specialist in secular and business communication Tatyana Polyakova will give a lecture on "Etiquette and professional communication". Tatyana is an author of a course on intercultural communication. Philologist. Ethnographer. A passionate traveler. She feels at ease both with secular topics and the most protocol-related and business themes. Behind each of her words stands experience. She works with a special warmth when it comes to children's audience. After all, Tatyana trusts children and can allow herself to tell them what she hesitates to say to the most entitled adults.
Tatyana Polyakova will teach the Baku audience how to pay attention to such details of communication as timbre of voice, look, intonation. She will tell what gifts are appropriate to give for a certain occasion and which words to pick up for a request or gratitude.
In the run-up to the lecture Tatyana Polyakova told the readers of Nargis Magazine why the topic of professional communication was chosen for acquaintance and the first visit to Azerbaijan:
- I was lucky: my childhood experiences in several cultures and languages, as well as experience in large international companies I managed to turn into a business project dedicated to etiquette and intercultural communication. Etiquette to me is a set of convenient rules. 'You need to know the rules so you can break them. And in order to break the rules, you need to know them", – these phrases by me are being quoted. And I enjoy such international interest to the topic, but there is no single rule. Any rules like waves get broken and resonate in cultures, traditions and situations.
There is another convincing catchphrase: "It is impossible to be liked by everyone. The main thing is to not offend anyone".
Professional achievements only emphasize the natural and social qualities of the person. So etiquette, with few exceptions, is not divided into social and business. Just like etiquette cannot be childish. It is single for the rest of the life. The lecture in Baku, like every public performance, is perfect for the family getaway of parents with their younger children, because etiquette is important both in the family, in society, and in professional communication. "