I will be happy, if people will say about me afterwards: he was a kind person. It doesn’t mean that I am always kind. But the kindness comes first. Yuri Nikulin.
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My faithful readers, thank you for being there for us! Without you we wouldn't exist... I want to congratulate you with the International Children's Day which is celebrated around the world on June 1st! I wish you and your children three most important things: health, health and once again health. This is what is really important in life. Well and luck, of course! Let this fickle lady never abandon neither you, nor your descendants. We dedicate this issue to UNICEF: The United Nations Children's Fund and its activity in our country. We will share a lot of interesting and useful information with you: the young talents growing in Azerbaijan, what willpower is concentrated in a child, what it takes to be a good mother and what a powerful force is kindness. I am grateful with all my heart to employees of this organization who listened to my idea of the joint project. Our collaboration was very productive! This issue holds a special place in my heart. We worked for the whole eight months on it. Yes, almost as much a pregnant mother carries her baby.
Perhaps, you are not so familiar with UNICEF yet? No worries, I will briefly tell you about it. Though it is hard to briefly name everything that Children's fund has made and does for this world ‒ for its present and the future. One of Children's fund tasks is to achieve that the whole world recognized health, safety and development of children as the necessary conditions of common development, progress of all humanity. On the awarding of UNICEF the Nobel Peace Prize in far 1965 year for "fulfilling the condition of Nobel's will, the promotion of brotherhood among the nations“ it was told that "even the most reluctant person is bound to admit that in action UNICEF has proved that compassion knows no national boundaries". These words still did not lose their relevance today. Let's not forget: the tomorrow of our children depends on us, adults, on our attitude towards children. Remember that by caring after your child, you care for the future of our planet! Yes, everything depends on us and only us...
Ulviya Makhmudova, editor-in-chief