Dear reader, did you know that the book by Michelle Obama "Becoming" was the best selling in USA in 2018? I suggest to go over the best-sellers today – and this time I will open them together with you. I did not read anything from recommended by the famous tabloids yet, but made a selection of prominent books.
Washington Post notes that none of the first ladies of the United States ever wrote so frankly about her husband. From reviews that I managed to read, it becomes clear that this book is not only about years of presidency of Barack Obama. Michele's becoming is divided into three parts: "Becoming me", "Becoming us" and "Becoming more". In the first part of the book Obama describes in details Chicago and the beginning of her path in this city. The second part is devoted to their relationship with Barack. In the third part she describes her life and life of 44th U.S. President from the inside and focuses on difficulties of their existence as public figures.
I do not know, how amazed you will be to learn that Reese Witherspoon has the book club named Hello Sunshine, but it was her choice which brought the book by Delia Owens “Where the Crawdads Sing" on the second place by the number of sales on Amazon. The history of a girl from Northern Carolina is the cornerstone of plot. They say that it is impossible to put it down due to several genres intertwined – love story, thriller and detective. I admit, popularity on Amazon and Reese, writing: "I didn’t want this book to end!" – obviously raised my interest. Making the purchase!
Tara Westover’s memoirs became one of the 10 best books according to The New York Times Book Review for 2018 From reviews of readers of "Educated" is clear – this book, called strange, is hard to read. Tara has a weird family – her father buys up canned food, preparing for doomsday, and does not allow his children to study at school, and her elder brother tends to violence. But thanks to my love to memoirs, I’m not afraid of rough stories, I’m going to read and tell you about it!
This year readers from different countries chose "Fendre l'armure" of Anna Gavalda. They write that they were touched by these seven stories – seven frank monologues, proclamations of love and loneliness. "For me it is not just stories and, the main thing, not just characters, for me it is people. Alive people. From flesh and blood", – Gavalda writes in the preface. I am familiar with Anna since "Just together" and I keep the best memories of her, therefore I think, that I will read her next book with pleasure.
Otherwise, the lists of the best sold books still have Yuval Noy Harari with the "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind ", magic cleaning with the Japanese accent from Marie Kondo and various guides to Ketogenic diet.
After the best-sellers do not forget to return to classics from time to time. Pleasant reading to you all this spring!