The academician Nargiz Pashayeva made a plenary report at the International forum “Universities, society and the mankind future” in Lomonosov Moscow State University.
On March 25 the rector of the Baku branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the vice president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), the academician Nargiz Pashayeva made the plenary report at the International forum "Universities, society and the mankind future" which took place in the main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The forum was dedicated to the past, present and future role of the universities in harmonization of global scientific and educational, technological and humanitarian space in the era of big challenges. Rectors and presidents of the leading local and foreign universities, representatives of scientific organizations, academic circles, public authorities, famous scientists and public figures – more than 1.5 thousand participants and guests in total participated there.
In her report academician Nargiz Pashayeva noted that “the hardest part of education is to not let the modern studies to slip into destructive, cynical pragmatism and practicality”.
“From early childhood each person faces at first theoretically and then practically the fact of ambiguity and sometimes difficulty of real life stories and situations. And no one will tell, which criterion of inner self-organization and self-discipline caused actions of individual in certain situation, – said Nargiz Pashayeva. – Ideally, exactly the first steps to school and further path in getting education should mostly prepare a person for entrance into a big world, by stimulating the best qualities in him. At this stage not only book wisdoms are important – the experience of personal conversation with those people, who possess certain knowledges, is also significant. Their life philosophy, opinions, inner world and principles are important, as well as the educational environment and atmosphere itself, spirit, energy of belief in power of knowledge.
For today, in the era of innovation, it is the human, socially important sciences that have colossal meaning in global scope. Any achievements or failures of exact sciences, innovative projects, sooner or later rest and overlap with humanitarian components and problems of different sense. Ethical, moral, spiritual postulates of humanitarian studies, criteria of evaluation, school of values of Human Sciences play a role of brakes when euphoria even of an ingenious mind cannot resist the temptation to pass on the red warning sign.
In global perspective the general world intellectual environment, schools and the universities, scientific institutions are the main basic holders and platforms for preservation of the adequate and life-saving buffer from many threats of the modern world. People are tired of hatred, murders and international conflicts”.
“Will we be able to lead a dialogue in global world by modern scientific-educational environment with each other, depends on ourselves”, – Nargiz Pashayeva said.
“It is more than spirituality, esthetic education, creativity, abstract thinking, imagination, mind fantasies, love of life through social opening can enhance development of the harmonious personality. This is when Diogenes's lantern, lit in the daytime will find the one whom it looks for”.
The ceremony of signing of memorandums of creation of scientific and educational consortium within the “Vernadsky” program was dated to the forum. Within this program the research and production clusters are created in regions of Russia. They are focused on development of science schools, applied researches, development and realization of complex programs on utilization of mineral raw materials reserves, social and economic growth of territories.
In addition, within the Forum the Convention of the Russian Union of rectors and the Convention of the Eurasian universities association which turned 30 years, took place. Today the Eurasian association unites 139 universities of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
The academician V.A. Sadovnichiy who is turning 80 years on 3rd of April on the occasion of the future anniversary was awarded with the Order of Honour of Kuzbass and the Diploma of Federal Service of the Russian Federation of oversight in education and science for a long-term contribution to the system of quality assessment of higher education. In the evening a concert by the orchestra and soloists of State Academic Mariinsky Theatre took place.
This International forum created an invaluable opportunity in respect of experience exchange and strengthening of professional and friendly relations between all those who are connected with the Moscow University. As academician Nargiz Pashayeva mentioned in conversation with the editor-in-chief of the Russian federal information and analytical agency “Vestnik Kavkaza” Maria Sidelnikova, “return to MSU is returning to yourself”.
“I maintain close contact with Moscow University for already over than ten years. My first meeting within the walls of MSU, as I remember, was absolutely wonderful. We were discussing the idea of opening Baku branch of Moscow university”, – told Nargiz Pashayeva.