On 3 February the 64th edition of BRAFA art fair closed its doors. The fair is placed under the High Protection of Her Majesty Queen Paola. From vernissage to the integrity of the exhibitor selection – exemplary BRAFA is good at everything. The guests of honor this year were British avant-garde artists Gilbert and George.
Gilbert & George
The fair’s motto is “Art Without Frontiers”. Organizers foresaw many questions, saying in advance, that “in these uncertain times, where borders seem to have become, once again, a priority challenge for many countries, this is something that is definitely worth remembering”. Art has no borders. This year 84 out of 133 participants represented foreign galleries.
Galerie Didier Claes
Galerie Didier Claes
Stand Gallery Florence
Stand Galerie Meessen
Pierre Dartevelle
Tour & Taxis
Hurtebize Gallery
Kint Gallery