Just imagine: it appears that common rainwater, uselessly pouring billions of liters all over the world every day, may serve, as an excellent source of electric energy! Namely, with this purpose two Baku schoolgirls, Reyhan Jamalova and Zahra Gasymzade invented the device with an expressive name "Rainergy". Giving lead in their example, they demonstrated that neither tender age nor remote residence from the world science centers would be an obstacle for an actual creator, if he/she was inspired by a dream and he/she was ready to work for its realization.
Let us get acquainted with them. Reyhan Jamalova was born on the 17th November 2002 in c.Guba. She studied in the natural sciences oriented school-lyceum No.2 after A.Mamedov in c. Guba and presently, she is a pupil of the Baku ISTAK lyceum. Her name was included into the Forbes magazine rating, in nominations of «the most promising entrepreneurs and inventors in industry, manufacture, and energy under 30». A young inventor became the first Azerbaijani representative in this list.
Her friend Zahra Gasymzade was born on the 22nd December 2002 in c.Sumgait. First, the girl got her education in the Sumgait lyceum of technical and natural sciences after Nizami Ganjevi and now she has been studying in the above mentioned ISTAK lyceum.
How was your interest in science formed?
Reyhan Jamalova: In view of the fact that my parents displayed great interest in natural sciences, I preferred, namely, this area. We frequently watch scientific and documentary films and then discuss them. From the beginning of the last year, I studied life and activity of the outstanding physicist Nikola Tesla. While investigating his works, we realized the significance of the contribution he did for humanity. One of the main goals, set by this scientist, was to provide mankind with unlimited electric energy, however, unfortunately, he didn't achieve that. I dream of continuing work, not completed by that man of genius. Following this idea, I started working in direction of search for alternative energy sources.
Zahra Gasymzade: Science and education are of great importance to our family. My parents always encouraged me to find my own mission and to deal with self-improvement. I presume, the desire to invent was formed, namely, for this reason.
How was the basis for Rainergy invention, agitating the whole world, laid?
R.J.: I study in a class, which is parallel to Zahra's class, I am on friendly terms with her and we often speak about scientific issues. During the last year, we decided to participate in the international Climate Launchpad project, which was the largest competition of business ideas on the development of ecologically clean technologies, held for the first time in Azerbaijan. As, jointly with Zahra, I had many ideas, connected with inventions, we joined seminars, conducted within frames of the competition and obtained much helpful information. Though we were persuaded on lack of prospects for our ideas, nevertheless we were not disappointed. Thanks to the assistance of our mentors Leyla Tagizade, Jasur Hasanov and Asif Ibrahimov, our small hope turned into big success.
Z.G.: Teams, participating in this competition, seek ways of transferring their ideas into production, commercializing and bringing them to the global market. The fact of Reyhan and I were the youngest participants in the history of Climate Launchpad project, inspired us to a greater extent. Eventually, our idea won the first place in the Audience Favorite Startup nomination.
R.J.: Inspired with this success, we decided to participate in the only competition of startups «New idea» held in Azerbaijan. Its purpose is to disclose prospective innovative ideas in the area of technology. Namely, our idea got through into the final among 148 proposed projects. It was unusual to compete with opponents, possessing experience, which was equal to our age.
Reyhan, how did you decide to participate at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES)?
R.J.: During last summer I registered for participation at many scientific competitions, including GES. My age didn't correspond to registration requirements, as the age of 18 was age qualifications. However, my mentor Leyla Tagizade supported me at this point, which inspired me and gave confidence. Despite age problems, I was granted a chance. My joy knew no bounds! And I travelled to the Indian city Hyderabad, to the VIII Global summit on entrepreneurship. More than 1500 businessmen from 150 countries and more than 300 investors participated in the international summit, held under the guidance of the chief adviser to US president Ivanka Trump and the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi.
The Rainergy device caused great excitement, we received a lot of proposals from entrepreneurs and investors. Two hours prior to the beginning of the summit we received an electronic message, stating that Ivanka Trump felt interested in me and she would name my name in connection with the invention. When Ms. Trump presented me, I got much excited, however, at the same time I was very proud by representing Azerbaijan...
Our invention was accepted with great attention in Motherland too. We signed the contract with the State Committee on Standardization, Metrology, and Patents to obtain the patent for the device.
Z.G.: We also signed the contract with the Park of high technologies of the National academy of sciences of Azerbaijan at the end of the last year. We were promised that for realization and further improvement of the Rainergy project necessary conditions would be created. And the meeting with the first vice-president Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva was the highest appreciation of our work!
In which conditions does the device operate more effectively? And how will it be possible to use it in the household?
R.J: The Rainergy device is purposed for use in private houses, predominantly in rainy countries. This device may be applied more effectively in the southern zone of Azerbaijan. Presently, we continue working on a model of the device - we try increasing volume of generated energy. It collects rainwater into the water tank and under influence of high speed and liquid pressure the generator is activated and, as a result, potential rain energy, transforming into electric energy, is collected in the battery. As you notice, the operating principle of the device is close to the principle of functioning of hydroelectric power stations. Nevertheless, there is some difference: our device produces electric energy not from rivers and lakes, but namely, from rainwater. We have already held a meeting with the State agency on alternative and renewable energy sources. We believe, that based on their support, we shall be able testing that device through the end of the year. And we plan to develop the device in future, combining wind power with the sun in accordance with climatic conditions of our country.
And what are your personal plans for the future?
R.J: I am planning to continue my education in astrophysics at one of the advanced universities of the USA or Canada. My dream is to win the Nobel Prize and to write the Azerbaijani names into the world history of science.
Z.G.: I want to enter one of the leading higher institutes of the world too and to glorify Azerbaijan. My dream is to continue education in business with the aim to be maximally helpful for my country, to be the worthy citizen of my Motherland and family pride.