When life is interesting.
Last week I had an opportunity to visit a city, located in the South of Azerbaijan. While being there I felt myself like a little eager child for the very first time after ages. I suppose that all the cosmic powers started to work for me when I was in that very place, hence afterwards my first article was published.
Being far from Baku gives you a chance to hear an accent in which there is no sign of Russian particles and conjuctions of citizens in the capital. In this very place I heard this phrase and decided, dedicating the post to mothers – is the symbolic start of our blog. I guess everybody has heard this phrase: "Ağzı isti yerdədir”. What do we mean subconsciously?
Man, happens to be in his/her comfort zone where he/she doesn’t have any idea about what goes around. Lets say in a zone where one feels cozy, warm and happy.
Lets have a look at the ethimology of this word, as the outcomes are worth spending time. The figurative phrase is used for babies who arent able to know all the troubles and hardships of life. In the initial phase of their lives, babies are only able to feel the world through senses: vision, hearing, smelling, taste and touching.
Breast-feeding mother provides love to her baby through all the open channels: she holds the baby in her arms, baby hears his/her mother`s voice and heartbeats, sees his/her mother, and absorbs that warm milk with familiar taste. All the environment tells the baby: Mom is here and the contact is secured. Meaning of the "Ağzı isti yerdədir" originates from here.
Growing up and taking all the responsibility on your own shoulders is never easy, since we are a generation whose “life is interesting”. On the other hand, isn’t it very comfortable?!
Text: Gamar Mammadova
Illustration: Nazimpasha Mahmudzadeh