In the month of July, though sunny, but controlled by mysterious moon that leads to the knowledge of its dark side, try to maintain peace of mind, but do not lose the ability of compassion for your neighbor. Summer is not coming easy – with a series of eclipses, plus agitated by worries for the future. It is July that will expose our helplessness and teach us to take what is happening in all its wild colors. Like any awareness, the situation will require a fair amount of courage. For someone, the emotions of the moon and the lunar eclipse on July 5 may turn into a triumph of justice, and someone will have to fix the results of their own insolvency and frivolous attitude to the deep needs of their souls for a long time. The moon represents our subconscious, it affects our emotional background. During its eclipses, our hidden fears splash out to the surface, we pathologically get stuck in the psychological patterns and associations of the past. By virtue of mass, already usual hysteria (not groundless, of course), the insecurity of our soul will be more vividly manifested precisely during the period of eclipse, which will set the tone for the whole month. Our only recommendation, especially in the first decade of the month: to hear yourself, but not to drown out others. Condescension and patience are perhaps our most loyal companions in July. Do not throw relationships around, spare loved ones and trust in divine work. There will be an opportunity to overcome fears and heartache in order to rise to a new spiritual level. Love and say farewell from the first decade of July, let go of the past and start with a clean slate in the last decade.
It is better for ARIES with their high emotions to relax more. Do not start huge projects, especially with real estate. Your patience and care will be needed by elderly of the house – remember your duty and dignity so that you do not have to regret for the undone afterwards. Do not start disputes with your superiors, especially on the eve of the eclipse, otherwise they will make you a scapegoat and you will fall in disgrace for a long time.
TAURUS need to keep down their stubbornness and integrity in controversial matters with their relatives if they do not want to dive into remorse for a long time. Trips and travel during the period of the lunar eclipse are undesirable. Pay attention to your worldview, education – perhaps it's time to get rid of traditional dogmas and attitudes that inhibit your personal growth and make you unhappy.
GEMINI should take care of health, as energy will be lacking. Do not overexert yourself, including at work. Financial adventures are extremely undesirable – no matter how much you are promised, you risk being left without funds for a long time. It is time to start improving the body – fitness, diet, etc., especially since after an eclipse the metabolism accelerates and it will be easy for you to give extra kilograms.
Precious CANCERS, this is the last eclipse on the axis of Cancer – Capricorn, your ordeal and fears are coming to an end, just hang on a while. I hope you learned to use claws after all, and not just sat in your shell, and transformed your fears into something more productive. Show courage and resilience with partners, rest more and take it easy on yourself, especially during the period of the lunar eclipse.
This month will leave LEO restless, not all opportunities will be available to them. Measure your fighting haste and desire for edification – in such an emotionally tense period, people around you need a shoulder to rely on, and not a competing force. It will be hard for you to gain the favor of the patrons; better stay in the shadows, working out a strategy for the future and gaining strength for further victories and achievements.
All plans of VIRGO will be disrupted by lunar eclipse: your attention will focus on the relationship with children, on their education. There will be many problems, unsolvable at first glance, but with your responsibility and dedication, you will definitely handle them! It would be good to start a creative or socio-humanistic project with friends and like-minded people for the benefit of people and all humanity.
July will focus LIBRA on resolving career issues, and be sure – no matter how insolvable they seem, you will have the best conditions for concentrating will, showing professionalism and getting out of any situation. You have to summarize the two-year cycle of your goals and tasks. In all your affairs and endeavors, you will receive tangible support from relatives and family members.
SCORPIO should not go on long trips, especially during the eclipse. The problems of the inner circle and relatives will once again hang over your freedom and independence; only wisdom and compassion will help you to show justice and resolve emerging conflicts. But in July, guardian angels favor you more than ever, this should give you inspiration and encourage with the upcoming novelty.
SAGITTARIUS will have to reconsider their financial matters and, perhaps, give up something for high goals. In the first half of the month I do not recommend you to invest in any serious enterprises. And protect your health, especially from nervous overloads – your zeal will still be needed in the future, and in the meantime you should learn to use your energy potential more rationally.
This eclipse will help CAPRICORNS, the last in their sign, focus on personal problems, opening the hidden wormholes of the soul. Without confidence in the Supreme Forces, it is not easy to show endurance and patience, which is what the universe has taught you for the past two years – the humble acceptance of the laws of the Universe. I remind you that everything in your life always happens on time, and it may be time for you to begin to show flexibility of spirit.
AQUARIUS should focus on their inner world. Taking care of yourself and focusing on your abilities, revealing your creative potential, self-development will not only save your energy, but will also help in cognition of the secrets of the Universe that you learn to share with others. However, throughout the month, health issues and potential injuries will be relevant, so do not overwork yourself.
PISCES will have to reconsider their relationship with friends: perhaps it's time to let someone go of your life, regardless of the history of your relationship? Learn to let go, forgiving. Protracted conflicts with loved ones also require revision. Time to focus on your desires and look boldly into the future, without clinging to an outdated, limiting relationship – the July's eclipse will help get rid of them.