The last month of autumn bears fair indignation, transformation through the destruction of all the lifeless and barren. November is patronized by Pluto – the planet of creation through destruction, the planet of the natural forces of nature and the deep secrets of the human psyche. The internal work of retrograde planets has come to an end, expanding the boundaries of opportunity and opening a festival of active change. The cluster of planets in Scorpio creates opposition to Uranus in Taurus – this event will be accompanied by a complete eclipse of the moon on November 19. Eclipses do not always carry destruction: at times they raise old, unresolved problems, giving the possibility of healing. November will open the next corridor of eclipses (next comes a complete solar eclipse on December 4), involving in a string of adversity Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, born in the first decades of their signs. The end of the month will also remind Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces and Virgo of their unresolved problems and unfinished affairs, directing them to summarize the results of the last three years. A lunar eclipse in the Taurus sign will raise a wave of financial problems, forcing us to streamline our relations with the material world. During this period, it would be good to pay off debts, return things taken for a while, and most importantly – no longer borrow. During the period of the eclipse corridor, in order not to worsen the financial situation, large financial transactions, purchases, deposits and investments are strictly not recommended.
ARIES should pay more attention to their health and not ignore even mild ailments, so as not to suffer from protracted, chronic diseases. Your value system requires revision and correction, it's time to get rid of limiting attitudes. Purchases of property and financial transactions are not recommended.
The lunar eclipse will shake old grudges and postponed affairs of TAURUS. Your emotional background will go through the jolt and expose your imperfections. Stress can affect your health, so try not to eat your feelings, stubbornly turning a blind eye to the obvious. Get rest, take a break. It's time to take care of yourself if you've been putting it off for a long time.
The plans and dreams of CANCER can undergo major changes, which will cause uncertainty and confusion. Try to let go of the helm of fate and concentrate on work – a sense of responsibility will help you stay on deck during a storm and safely surrender to the waves. It is also worth receiving long-standing sores and, in general, improving the body.
For LEO, November is not the best time to sort things out with superiors. Long-awaited career changes may not turn out to be what you expected. Instead, you should reconsider your ambitions, remembering Leo's main purpose - to be a Generous Light Bearer. Creative growth will open up new prospects for self-expression. Hugs from your loved ones will help with healing all kinds of wounds.
It's not recommended for VIRGO to go on long trips: there may be trouble on the road, contacts or lead from abroad can be taken by surprise and push to a philosophical perception of what is happening. The path of spirituality will open up another world to you, which will help mental transformation. Your stay at home will be welcomed by senior family members who need your care and support.
On one cup LIBRA has the disclosure of the secrets of the subconscious and mystical experience, which will encourage them to reconsider their views on fate. On the other is the path of loss and awareness of the frailty of life. In any case, broadening the horizon and gaining new, deep knowledge of their place in this world will help to survive the changes coming ahead.
SCORPIO should not declare war on the whole world - their arrogance will fail. If you do not start looking for reasonable compromises, then you will not find understanding. Instead, it is better to consider the coming turmoil in personal and social life through the prism of your own mistakes. Protracted conflicts harm health, so bury the hatchet of war to better times.
SAGITTARIUS will be swamped with work, and if it is not done in good faith, then much will have to be redone, which will require effort, time and responsibility. Treat your responsibilities wisely. It is not the time to philosophize and lecture, at the end of the month your patience and hard work will certainly be rewarded. Partnerships will also require attention and concessions.
CAPRICORNS will have to spend their time and energy solving the problems of their loved ones, who will need them more than ever. Asceticism and solitude will help, and the end of autumn will transform you by opening the casket of deep knowledge. The transformation of the worldview will be as painless as you are not able not resist.
AQUARIUS will spend a lot of their precious time on family matters. Even if you do not like it, it is better to take care of loved ones now so that karmic debts don't hung over you for long. At the end of the month, a fresh wind of change and new endeavors will blow, and friends and loved ones will definitely support and cheer you up.
PISCES should not go on long trips. Pay more attention to the family and pets, they need your care. Students will have to sweat, improving in obtaining knowledge. The end of November may aggravate relations with superiors and force a review of career plans. You should not pick your battles.