October – the month of generous, ripe autumn - manifests itself through Venus, the planet of feelings and desires, and Chiron, the planet of partnership and the possibilities of connecting the collective with the individual. The beginning of the month promises African tempers and confusion in affairs. Venus in the Scorpio sign makes us unbridled and irreconcilable, inspiring proprietary feelings and jealousy, and the Chiron in Aries gives unconscious duality and harshness, especially in communication with loved ones. This difficult tandem is exacerbated by other planets, most of which are in retro motion, slowing down healthy manifestations and introducing additional confusion. Most of all, the influence of the planets will affect personal life, exacerbating conflicts, doubts and discontent. There will also be delays and misunderstandings in affairs and career due to the retrograde of Mercury. Only Mars will provide balance – in Libra it becomes more peaceful. By the third decade, the situation will begin to recover. Almost all planets will begin to move at their given pace, normalizing processes on Earth, giving a reasonable break and the long-awaited changes for the better. Try to take care of loved ones, avoid disputes, do not aggravate conflicts. In affairs and finance you also should not force events, it is better to leave important decisions and transactions to the end of the month.
Protracted conflicts of ARIES with loved ones can turn into a chronic form, taking away a lot of energy. It is worth revising the format of relations, giving preference not only to passions, but also to mental warmth. Do not risk finances by getting into a new business or expanding the old one. It is time to take care of physical health, increase and regularize loads – only this will help maintain a balance.
October will bring TAURUS new acquaintances that will spin their heads and bring a whirlwind of emotions. But you can quickly get tired of a storm of passions and cool down without letting the relationship reach the climax. Do not dive into the swamp of feelings, but it is also undesirable to throw around admirers, sowing detractors. Transfer all your zeal to work, in order to not cause discontent of the bosses.
A favorable environment is created for GEMINI, even despite the retrograde Mercury. The first half of the month is desirable to spend on planning and strategic decisions in affairs and work, the second half will open up new prospects and will require dynamic, live action. Do not waste energy on entertainment, be as collected as possible – this is your fateful month!
CANCER will get a swing of impregnable submarine of feelings from Venus. Maybe it's time to lose your mind and stop being scared of your shadow? Family folks will have to show creativity in order to take their relationship to a new level. Everyone else will get the romance of unbridled Venus, calling for adventure. Be generous and unpredictable, and then the ship of love will go on a long beautiful journey!
LEO might get a chance from Venus and Chiron to significantly improve and ennoble their den or acquire their own at the end of the month. Family affairs will require attention and generous participation. Family values put at the forefront will improve your relationship with your loved ones and bring harmony in the house. Do not be authoritarian and irreconcilable, you can sometimes be house kittens!
VIRGO does not want to go on long journeys and make far-reaching plans. Routine, troubles with close relatives will cause irritation and disrupt the usual lifestyle. It's the best time to engage in self-education; perhaps you will even have a new vision of your life. The important information that will come at the end of the month will bring the long-awaited calm and relief.
It is important for LIBRA in their special month not to make mistakes and not to put assessment labels on their family and loved ones. Your passion and jealousy can damage relationships and bring them out of balance for a long time. I remind you: your calling is to bring into this world love and harmony – so do it! The end of the month is good for improving material well-being. Strengthening physical health will balance and give vivacity.
SCORPIO in October are struggling to hold their temper and meet the generally accepted framework. You will be demanding of partners, wanting to receive well-deserved attention and love, and this is quite fair. Just try to be more tactical – your passion is just devastating. No time for privacy, and do not put off controversial issues. Use the end of the month for improvements in personal life.
SAGITTARIUS will want to plunge into secret love, and the forbidden fruit will be very close. But keeping a balance between duties and attachments will be unbearable, try not to mess up, otherwise you will fall out of favor with a permanent partner for a long time, and it will be almost impossible to regain former trust. Inflow of long-awaited abundance is possible, but it is worth spending wisely and leaving something on the side.
CAPRICORNS will open up new prospects, especially financial ones, and the end of October will provide an opportunity to implement the expected plans. Like-minded people and loved ones will support, but they themselves will also be in dire need of your participation, especially emotional. A close friend can move to the rank of beloved, surprised by the recognition of feelings and opening up wide prospects in the relationship. Be reckless!
AQUARIUS will be taken by surprise – office romance will bring novelty, but it will not last long, so try to save your face and cope with vulnerable self-love. At the end of October, new prospects will be outlined in career so you, having steeped in work, absolutely will forget about feelings and novels. The possibility of acquisitions in the third decade will give optimism.
PISCES are waiting for pleasant surprises on trips, a resort romance is possible. Students will have like-minded people, relations with which from friendly to sensual and trusting. Study and self-development will take almost all your time, but still pay enough attention to your chosen ones – in response, they will pleasantly surprise you by giving you the warmest feelings.