He was born a perfectly healthy baby, but a complication of jaundice led to the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Muscle spasticity prevents him from walking and eating independently, and his speech is understood only by his family. However, this does not hinder his enjoyment of life, and his Instagram blog, @funny_invalid, has even helped him make friends. Ramil Mammadov shares about the simple joys of life and the challenges that people with disabilities face daily.
What was your childhood like?
Despite my challenging condition, I cherish warm and pleasant memories of my childhood. This is largely thanks to my parents, who made every effort to ensure my childhood was filled with happiness. Of course, there were many tough moments when I had to travel abroad frequently for various treatments and rehabilitation sessions.
You have a twin brother. How do you communicate with him, do you have much in common?
My brother and I are twins, and I also have a younger sister. We share a strong bond and consider each other friends. They offer me unwavering support and assistance in everything I do, celebrating my successes with genuine happiness. However, like any siblings, we do have our disagreements and arguments
from time to time.
Six months ago you started your blog. What was its purpose?
When I began my blog, I didn't have a specific goal in mind. I had a childhood dream of becoming popular and admired many bloggers. So, I decided to give it a try myself. To my surprise, I never anticipated the rapid growth in subscribers within such a short time. It brought me immense joy, and I'm deeply grateful to each of my followers for their support and concern.
Why do you think it quickly became popular?
I believe my blog gained rapid popularity because many people care about me. They've embraced my challenges as their own and are following my journey through rehabilitation with keen interest and hope. Without their support, navigating this journey would be much more challenging for me.
You like football. What team are you a fan of?
I developed an interest in football around the age of 6 or 7, and it all began when I watched a match of “FC Barcelona.” That experience ignited my passion for the sport, and I've been a dedicated fan of the club ever since! Watching football fills me with inde- scribable emotions that are unmatched by anything else. Nowadays, I support two teams close to my heart: my childhood favourite, “FC Barcelona,” and, of course, Aghdam's team, “Karabakh!”
Who and what inspires you?
I draw inspiration from my family, my subscribers, and the progress I see in myself. Even small victories that once seemed impossible motivate me to persevere and keep fighting against this illness.
How do you overcome challenges?
In challenging times, I remind myself that things could be worse and try to accept the reality for what it is. However, acceptance doesn't mean resignation. After taking a moment to calm down, I put in every effort to address the issue. Even when progress is slow, I maintain patience, knowing that after every sunset, there's a sunrise ahead.
What major stereotype in society would you like to break by your example?
I aim to challenge the misconception that cerebral palsy defines a person's worth. Though my journey is far from easy, I remain determined and optimistic about overcoming these obstacles. My wish is for victory over illness to all those in need.
What words of encouragement do you have for those feeling disheartened, regardless of the cause?
People often feel despair when they lose hope. Therefore, it's crucial to never lose hope! Believe in yourself and pursue your goals. If at any point it feels like the goal is out of reach, don't change the goal; instead, adjust your action plan. Persistence is key, and success will follow. Have faith in miracles, find happiness in each day, and embrace life with a smile – it will reciprocate in kind!
What do you dream about?
I dream of the day when I'll walk on my own and take care of myself! I'm grateful to everyone who helps and supports me during this challenging time. Wishing peace, health, and goodness to all!