Some people believe that children of celebrities are doomed for life to just bask in glory of their parents. But our heroines proved the opposite – they probably got this with the help of the qualities inherited from their famous mothers and dads.
The experience of world-famous supermodel Cindy Crawford helped her daughter Kaia take the first steps in the fashion world at the age of 13. But the persistence of the girl herself, taking the world star podiums with innate grace and confidence also means something! "The biggest compliment for me is that I behave like a mother," Kaya admitted once.
Deva Cassel first stepped on a runway at the age of 15, during the Dolce & Gabbana show in the summer of 2019, and in the same year signed a contract with this fashion house, which has been friends with her mother Monica Bellucci for many years. Just like her, Deva became the face of a new fragrance and in the advertising campaign managed to effectively demonstrate the large eyes inherited from her mother, sensual lips, curly hair and willowy figure.
Vanessa Paradis at her 18 years has already shown herself with a meteoric career in cinema and fashion, but her daughter Lily-Rose clearly went ahead of her – she began shooting for films and fashion houses from the age of 15. The girl lived in between two cities – in Paris with her mother and in Los Angeles with her dad, Johnny Depp. So Lily Rose's Parisian chic, you might say, runs in blood, and from her famous mother she borrowed not only appearance, but also the manner of dressing.
*Illustrations prepared especially for the June issue of NARGIS magazine.